The Jaker

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Friday, October 14, 2005
Friday Presidential Odds Update

- I am (happily but cautiously) moving Gore back up the rankings a bit. He debued in the #1 spot, but has dropped significantly as he's downplayed his future in politics. Rumors are picking up, and he's clearly a popular figure. We never did get to see whether the sympathy vote would turn out - people who feel he was wronged the first time around. But once again this week, he said he's not interested. So who knows.
- I'm also upping Russ Feingold somewhat. He's getting some good press, and he seems to be positioning himself to satisfy the majority - voted for Roberts, maintains that he wants to gradually withdraw troops from Iraq. I knocked him down a little bit earlier because he separated from his wife, which people don't like. But perhaps that will be enough in the past come election time.
- As I noted before, Tom Daschle is preparing for a run. To me, this is welcome. I like Tom. So he moves up.
- I'm going to keep my eye out for any news from Wes Clark and Mark Warner. Haven't heard much about either lately... if they don't start raising more money (Warner's done a little) and giving more speeches (Clark's done a few) soon, then they might find themselves behind from the start.
- And I'm removing Kathleen Sebelius, Barbara Boxer, and Rod Blagojevich from the list. They've got no shot.
posted by CB @ 12:13 PM  
  • At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep your eye, as always, dear Colin, on my man Bill Richardson. Volunteered to head to North Korea to talk nuclear issues. Think that could improve his chances much, if things go well?

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger CB said…

    His only chance, in my opinion, is to be 2008's more successful version of Howard Dean... governor of a small state, just a little wacky, not much national pull.

    But, unlike Dean, B-Rich does have cabinet experience, his state is a better demographic for democrats, he himself is Hispanic, and he doesn't appear to have a temper.

    He's got to get the 'net-roots' (hate that term) behind him, and stir up some serious small donation fundraising, or else he'll be toast... like a Bob Graham.

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