Monday, November 10, 2008 |
Republican Presidential Nominee - 2012 |
My initial take:
Top Tier: Newt Gingrich David Petraeus Mitt Romney Sarah Palin Mike Huckabee Bobby Jindal
Second Tier: Mitch Daniels Rudy Giuliani Ron Paul
Long Shots: Condoleezza Rice Bill O'Reilly |
posted by CB @ 11:45 AM   |
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 |
His face alone changes a lot |
This Andrew Sullivan paragraph from 2007 really hits home today.
Consider this hypothetical. It’s November 2008. A young Pakistani Muslim is watching television and sees that this man—Barack Hussein Obama—is the new face of America. In one simple image, America’s soft power has been ratcheted up not a notch, but a logarithm. A brown-skinned man whose father was an African, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, who attended a majority-Muslim school as a boy, is now the alleged enemy. If you wanted the crudest but most effective weapon against the demonization of America that fuels Islamist ideology, Obama’s face gets close. It proves them wrong about what America is in ways no words can. |
posted by CB @ 6:05 PM   |
Just the beginning |
Election may have been the easy part. Governing will be difficult.
That said, my picks for key Obama cabinet posts (with notes about who I think it will be:
Chief of Staff: My pick: David Plouffe Will be: Rahm Emmanuel (my problem with Emmanuel is I think he's too short-sighted)
State: My pick: Dick Lugar Will be: Dick Lugar
Treasury: My pick: Tim Geithner Will be: Larry Summers
Defense: My pick: Robert Gates Will be: Chuck Hagel |
posted by CB @ 12:49 AM   |
Monday, November 03, 2008 |
Prediction 2008 |
Pres: Obama: 291 (wins PA, VA, NV, CO, NM, NH, IA) McCain: 247 (holds FL, OH, MO, NC)
Senate: Dems: Pickups in VA, NM, CO, NH, OR, AK, NC GOP: Retain MN, GA, KY, MS |
posted by CB @ 5:44 PM   |
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