Jindal scares me the most, because he seems genuinely scary-smart and might (gasp!) be able to run coherently on issues. The others barely worry me at all, for the following various reasons that you can apply to the appropriate candidate(s):
* I don't think people see military leaders as viable presidents because (a) their stances on other issues haven't been tested and (b) they usually haven't run for elected office before (see Wesley Clark).
* Palin and Huckabee will rally the base, but will rally an even larger opposition to vote against them.
* Gingrich had an affair while he was attacking Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal.
Jindal scares me the most, because he seems genuinely scary-smart and might (gasp!) be able to run coherently on issues. The others barely worry me at all, for the following various reasons that you can apply to the appropriate candidate(s):
* I don't think people see military leaders as viable presidents because (a) their stances on other issues haven't been tested and (b) they usually haven't run for elected office before (see Wesley Clark).
* Palin and Huckabee will rally the base, but will rally an even larger opposition to vote against them.
* Gingrich had an affair while he was attacking Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal.