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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Woman President?
My friend Jessica got me thinking - with all the talk of Hillary Clinton being a front-runner for the Democratic nomination in 2008, what is the comfort level among the American public with the possibility of a woman president? A quick google didn't produce much in the way of opinion or study. Obviously there are / have been female heads of state in other countries, though I believe Margaret Thatcher is the only one in a modern democracy.

Here's one good article discussing it, with some survey numbers.

I imagine in the next year more people will undertake this question, and I want to keep on top of it. A lot of people think the first female president will have to be very macho and not at all feminine - able to prove that she can make decisions free from emotions (this horrible piece thinks women are incapable of doing that). Thatcher clearly fit that mold.

If Hillary doesn't make it, Janet Napolitano (AZ Gov) is a rising star in the Democratic party. She's young (47), meaning she could run as late as 2020. I think she'll have a good shot at being at least a VP nominee in '08 or more likely '12. She's very moderate, as you would expect from an Arizonan, so she's not my superhero, but in the name of progress I hope we start to see more female and minority candidates in the years to come.
posted by CB @ 11:26 AM  
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