The Jaker

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Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Stem Cells work
On a topic that I believe I have not yet addressed on this site, there is news today that stem cells may indeed fulfill the promise that doctors have been boasting about. Specifically, a Japanese study has come out showing that stem cells reverse some of the effects of Parkinson's in monkeys. Clearly, one study proves little and much more work is to be done, but wouldn't it be great if 20 years from now we used cells that were going to be discarded anyway to cure debilitating diseases in not just the elderly, but in children, babies, and middle-aged people as well?

It just makes so much sense. Luckily, we have states like California, which passed a referendum granting $3bn to stem cell research efforts (led by an unlikely source - Republican gov Arnold Schartzenegger... this is the main thing I cite when I try to explain to Democrats why I think he's doing a decent job). The money is great, but we still need some sense in the federal government to open up more useful cell lines for study.
posted by CB @ 1:48 PM  
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