The Jaker

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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Gore and MoveOn
Al Gore seems to be having a love affair with MoveOn lately. He gives speeches sponsored by them quite frequently, including one at the end of last summer strongly denouncing the Iraq war, and another yesterday warning of the danger of ending judicial filibusters. While some on the right, and some in the center-left such as Peter Beinart of The New Republic, criticize the "MoveOn" wing of the Democratic party as too ideologically liberal and not pragmatic enough, Gore seems to have no problem cozying up to that segment.

Frankly, it makes me like him more... he has his beliefs, which are decidedly leftist for a guy from Tennessee, and he seems to really be articulating them freely these days. Perhaps that's a sign that he really will stay in the private sector the rest of his career, and I have him too high on my 2008 presidential nomination list, or perhaps he's decided that life, including politics, is not worth it unless you're going to be honest and say what you think.
posted by CB @ 11:48 AM  
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