The Jaker

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Thursday, January 27, 2005
What they're really trying to do
Only minimally discussed in the debate about privatization of social security is the Republicans' motives for the change. Here's a major reason I think they're pushing it

Zogby has found evidence that stock ownership significantly alters the way people vote. For example, members of labor unions, traditionally backers of Democrats, were far more likely to vote Republican if they owned stocks. Ditto for low-income voters. Source

With that in mind, check out what Ken Mehlman (BC-04 and now RNC chairman) had to say in a recent Op/Ed in the Washington Times
We are committed to saving Social Security and when we push to save Social Security, we have an historic chance to broaden our party to include more young Americans. [Emphasis mine]

That's really the heart of the "Ownership Society". Republicans think that if people get to invest and have more control over their own finances, they will create a dominant Republican voting block and "cement its position for a generation".

As the first article notes, many disagree with the idea of an "investor class", including Ruy Teixeira of EDM. Even so, we have to hammer away at Republicans and question their motives in the public forum. Nobody likes a bully who just wants to protect their power at the expense of senior citizens.
posted by CB @ 1:58 PM  
  • At 2:24 AM, Blogger gecko said…

    I trust neither party, but where does "we have to hammer away at Republicans and question their motives in the public forum. Nobody likes a bully who just wants to protect their power at the expense of senior citizens." come from?!?

  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger CB said…

    From the fact that I'm a Democrat.

  • At 12:15 AM, Blogger gecko said…

    More the reason for my avoidance...

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