Tuesday, June 21, 2005 |
The Working Poor |
The book I'm in the middle of reading right now, The Working Poor: Invisible in America by David Shipler, is the subject of a "bookcast" discussion between John & Elizabeth Edwards and Shipler. Click here to listen to the mp3.
It's just the 3 of them sitting around the Edwards' dining room table talking about the book, which highlights examples of people that work so hard in this country but are caught in a spiral of poverty that is inherently self-perpetuating. Man, I wish there was broader discussion of these kinds of problems, and that people forced themselves to engage these issues.
The book, obviously, is perfect for Edwards who focused on the "Two Americas" in the primary - one for the wealthy who can afford healthcare, good schools, etc. and the rest who are struggling to make ends meet day-to-day - and who is now concentrating on fighting poverty through his new center at UNC.
I highly recommend the book (I'm only half way through, but it's incredibly throught-provoking) and the audio bookcast. |
posted by CB @ 10:06 AM   |
It sounds like a great book I must check it out!
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It sounds like a great book I must check it out!