The Jaker

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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Give world leaders the mandate to end global poverty
In case you missed it, the NYT magazine had a great cover story on Bono and his work for Africa last week. Now there's a follow-up in which Bono answers 10 readers' questions. Both worthwhile reads if you care about global poverty.

The most interesting, and action-inducing point that Bono makes, is that world leaders really want to help, and have the ability to do so, but often don't feel like the support is there from their constituents. Where is Bush's mandate to help Africa?

The answer is, we need to give him one. This can be an unusual alliance between the liberal left, who believe in equality and helping those in need, and the Christian conservative right, who want to do as Jesus did and help the poor. What an amazing opportunity to work across the usual political lines to make progress.

First step, if you haven't already, add your voice to the 2 million at who want to say to the President: "You have our permission to help Africa". The goal is 10 million by the next election.
posted by CB @ 1:54 PM  
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