Tuesday, November 21, 2006 |
2008 President Odds Update |
Democrats Hillary Clinton 5:3 Barack Obama 5:1 John Edwards 6:1. Al Gore 7:1 Evan Bayh 10:1 Bill Richardson 10:1 John Kerry 14:1. Wes Clark 14:1. Joe Biden 16:1. Tom Daschle 22:1. Tom Vilsack 28:1 Chris Dodd 35:1. Bill Bradley 48:1 Brian Schweitzer 60:1 Bill Nelson 65:1 Howard Dean 85:1 Janet Napolitano 100:1
Republicans John McCain 3:1. I'm going to take McCain from 2:1 to 3:1. I don't think it's a shoo-in at all. Mitt Romney 6:1. I think Romney is going to become at least the initial main foe of McCain. Moving from 8:1 to 6:1. As I've said a few times, I think all of these top 3 have issues, potentially opening up an opportunity for Gingrich, Hagel, or even Brownback. Rudy Giuliani 8:1.. Despite good-looking polls, I'm moving Giuliani down. He's a pro-choice, pro gun control, pro-gay Republican who just can't really win this nomination, can he? Taking him from 5:1 to 8:1. Newt Gingrich 11:1 Condoleezza Rice 16:1. Moving up from 18:1 to 16:1. She's said no many times, but I think Bush might push her in. Unlikely but possible. Chuck Hagel 17:1. Sam Brownback 17:1. He says there's room for a full-scale conservative, and I think he's right. He and Gingrich are the most likely. Moving from 20:1 to 17:1. Bill Frist 17:1. Mike Huckabee 20:1 George Pataki 22:1 Jeb Bush 24:1 George Allen 30:1 Mark Sanford 30:1 Colin Powell 35:1 Tom Ridge 35:1 Duncan Hunter 38:1. NEW ENTRANT! Bill Owens 40:1 Haley Barbour 40:1 Dick Cheney 125:1 Christie Todd Whitman 150:1
posted by CB @ 2:18 AM   |
Senator Bayh is much awaited upon to announce his exploritory committee and is being looked forward to being the most important choice for President for the Democratic party and the United States Of America due to many things including his integerity, intellegent views on foreign policy, support of Israel in Middle-Eastern affairs, fiscal responsiblity in a bayh/bi-partisan manner, his strong stance on impressive education such as his 21st century scholars program that offers all students a scholorship, his experience as an attorney general, a two term governor, and a two term senator, as well as the strong and important region that he pulls in the election
You weren't one of the students who received a scholorship, were you?
The only reason Bayh would do it is to get the nod for VP.
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Senator Bayh is much awaited upon to announce his exploritory committee and is being looked forward to being the most important choice for President for the Democratic party and the United States Of America due to many things including his integerity, intellegent views on foreign policy, support of Israel in Middle-Eastern affairs, fiscal responsiblity in a bayh/bi-partisan manner, his strong stance on impressive education such as his 21st century scholars program that offers all students a scholorship, his experience as an attorney general, a two term governor, and a two term senator, as well as the strong and important region that he pulls in the election