Tuesday, November 14, 2006 |
Giuliani can't win the Republican nomination |
Today's news on the 2008 Presidential front is that Rudy Giuliani is forming an exploratory committee, meaning it's quite likely he's going to run. I'm keeping him at 5:1, because I was taking that fact as practically a given, considering his recent public statements.
Here in Feb '05 I note that a visit to South Carolina makes me think he's running. And here in July '06 I moved Rudy up to 2nd spot at 5:1 (where he is now), because his informal 2008 poll results continued to look good.
But I'll repeat what I said in July - I think Giuliani is too moderate for today's GOP - and that the GOP race for President is really wide open for someone like Romney, Gingrich, or Hagel to step into the void. Josh Marshall very aptly makes the case against Giuliani:
do we really have to pretend that Rudy Giuliani has more than a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Republican presidential nomination? Or can we all just stipulate that a multiple adulterer, who supports gay civil rights and choice, has deep and on-going ties to mobbed-up and now-disgraced Police boss Bernie Kerik, has a largely unscrutinized (outside of New York) resume, and had the bright idea of locating the NYC disaster center in the already-once-bombed World Trade Center probably will have some rough sledding in Republican primaries?
I think I'll be improving Romney, Gingrich, and Hagel's odds at the end of this week. |
posted by CB @ 4:42 PM   |
After the 2006 election I think that the field has shifted some. Hagel is certainly better situated than he was before.
Senator Bayh is much awaited upon to announce his exploritory committee and is being looked forward to being the most important choice for President for the Democratic party and the United States Of America due to many things including his integerity, intellegent views on foreign policy, support of Israel in Middle-Eastern affairs, fiscal responsiblity in a bayh/bi-partisan manner, his strong stance on impressive education such as his 21st century scholars program that offers all students a scholorship, his experience as an seceratary of state, a two term governor, and a two term senator, as well as the strong and important region that he pulls in the election, feel free to rebutt this statement with anything that any of the other candidates have done, ie: Hillary, Gulianni, McCain, Richardson, Obama etc. but this is a minor list of what Senator Evan Bayh has achieved and still is yet to achieve...
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After the 2006 election I think that the field has shifted some. Hagel is certainly better situated than he was before.