The Jaker

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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Some interesting poll numbers
For those of you (including the one I live with) still on the fence between Hillary and Barack, consider this (with all the disclaimers about how polls aren't perfect).

According to RealClearPolitics (average of all the head-to-head polls):
Clinton 51, Romney 41 (Clinton +10)
Obama 55, Romney 35 (Obama +20)

Clinton 44, McCain 48 (Clinton -4)
Obama 44, McCain 45 (Obama -1)

Clinton 49, Giuliani 44 (Clinton +5)
Obama 51, Giuliani 39 (Obama +12)

So Obama is viewed as substantially better as a general election candidate right now, getting between 3 and 10% more of the vote against the Republican nominee.
posted by CB @ 10:49 AM  
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